Sunday, November 3, 2013

Mirror Mirror On the Wall- you needed an update after all!

I am all about reduce, reuse, recycle, which leads me to my next project. I needed something to hang above the fireplace, so I originally hung our painting that normally goes above our bed in our bedroom. It was working okay, but I liked it better in our bedroom, so it was out to the garage to rummage through our extra, frames, paintings and miscellaneous stuff that hasn't found a home yet. My best idea was this mirror. 
It was the perfect size and would make the space appear larger.... But it did NOT match our living room at all. Our living room, as I have stated before, is green, blue, white, gray with pops of black... That brown shiny wood was not working for me, so I decided to paint it white. 
My tools for the project were white paint, painters tape, a small brush, sandpaper, and drop cloth. 
 I just taped around where I didn't want to paint and pressed firmly so that it didn't seep under.
I started by roughing it up a tiny bit with sand paper, since the brown was so shiny. Then
I painted the first coat and had to add a couple of extra pieces of tape, because it was dripping off of my brush onto the mirror further into the middle. I then painted one more coat and let it dry until the next morning.
I was really happy with the outcome for now. I need to change up the fireplace tile. It is literally the same tile as the tile on our kitchen floors. I am thinking of rock or something like that. 
Our fireplace with everyday normal decor.

Our fireplace with fall/halloween decor.
With Love, Dez

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