Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Baby Martin~ 25 Weeks

Santa shirt from SASEA, jeans from OLD NAVY and boots from Kohls last season SIMILAR

Baby Martin is the size of a head of cauliflower or an acorn squash.

Gender: Baby Girl
Name: Sawyer Rae
Due Date: March 29, 2015
Weight Gain:20 lbs
Heartbeat: 140's
Movement: YES tons. She is moving around like crazy. I didn't feel her until 24 weeks, but ever since then she moves at night time and after I eat.
Nausea/Vomiting: Yes, I still get nauseous and actually vomited this morning. :(
Stretch Marks: None so far, but I use the heck out of my coconut oil.
How I am feeling: I am feeling good for the most part. A little tired, nauseous on occasion and just this last week I really started to feel pregnant, as far as a belly goes.
Sleep: I sleep great, with the exception of at least two potty breaks in the middle of the night. Half of the time we fall asleep forgetting to move the elf, so I catch myself roaming the house at 1:30 a.m. trying to find a new semi creative spot for him.
Food: I crave anything peppermint. Peppermint Hot Chocolate, Peppermint Milkshakes, Candy Cane Cookies, anything with peppermint and I am there. I am also still craving the BJ's Thai Mango Chicken Salad, I get that like once a week.
Baby Items: My sister-in-law just loaded us up with more baby girl clothes. She has TONS already. We got the nursery painted and her crib set up two weeks ago, installed curtains this past weekend and I spray painted her chandelier. I still need to add crystals or pearls to it and then we will install it on a dimmer switch. Anyone know how to replace a double switch to a single???

Christmas is 7 days away!!!!!! This pregnancy is flying. I can't wait to see our baby girl.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Our Thanksgiving and the return of our Elf!

This was our first Thanksgiving in a long time that we traveled and didn't have to host at our house. We went to El Maton, Texas to visit family and stayed from Wednesday to Sunday morning. That's a long time to be away from home when you are pregnant. We had a blast and we were one with the Country. 

On Friday night we put up the Christmas tree and did our annual gift exchange. Our family is growing so big that we now have to just bring one gift and everybody picks in the form of a game called White Elephant. It is really fun to do, because you can steal from people! We started this tradition 3 or 4 years ago. 

Myself, my sister and our sister in law.
My handsome bub and his beautiful wife.
On Thanksgiving Day all of their family came and I mean ALL of them. There were probably somewhere around 50+ plus people there!
There was a lot of shooting of skeet and four wheeler riding and Christmas movies for me.
Who knew this kid would be so good in the Country. We didn't hear an "I am bored" one time in five days. No video games either! Wooohoo

And this morning Jake returned with a North Pole breakfast! He brought pancake mix, hot chocolate, marshmallows, candy canes and a letter to Trey. Trey loved it!

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