Thursday, March 26, 2015

Sawyer Rae Birth Story

On Tuesday March 10, 2015, we went to our 37 week ob appointment and we were told that we would be having our baby girl the very next day via cesarean section at 12:00 p.m. Throughout my pregnancy I had high blood pressure and starting at 33 weeks the baby started to slow down gaining weight. My dr was concerned that my blood pressure was affecting Sawyer and she decided the best thing to do would be to get her out of my belly so she could be monitored on the outside. A vaginal delivery would be too stressful for our baby so we went with what we felt was the safest option for her. At 12:28 p.m. on Wednesday, March 11, 2015 our baby girl let our her first scream and tears stram down mine and my husbands face. Hearing that cry was the best feeling I have ever experienced. I think my heart almost burst out of my chest! They brought her over to me about 10-15 minutes later and I was so in love I couldn't even feel pain. 

She was whisked off to the nicu for 6 hours the first day to monitor her low blood sugar. They had to put a feeding tube down her nose to supplement neosure formula in hopes to bring it back up. 
After 24 hours she didn't have to be pricked on her little heels anymore because her blood sugar stabilized and we were sent home Saturday at lunch time. 
Her brother made her the sweetest note for her coming home!
He is really quite fond of her!!! She's not allowed to date... eVER... According to her dad and big brother!

We are so blessed to have this sweet girl in our lives! 
With love, Dez

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