Tuesday, April 1, 2014

FREE Spring and Easter Egg Banners

Spring is in the air in good ole Texas and today is the first day of April. I am so excited! However, I have not had any spring decor in my house until this past week. I was on the hunt for FREE Spring/Easter Decor and lo and behold I have just the thing for you. I cannot take credit for the ideas or creations, but will let you know who can. 

First up was the paint chips turned Easter egg banner. The Genius
She even provides the egg template for you. I decided to just use my one color paint chips, but she uses the multiple colors per chip that way the middle white section looks more like an Easter egg. Feel free to do it however you please.
After I got done cutting how many I wanted in my spring colors I mixed in the white egg templates just to see if I liked that better. My pattern was a shade of green, shade of purple, shade of blue, shade of pink, white, and repeat. 
I really liked how the white broke up the colors and added some interest to it, so the whites came into my banner. 

Next up is the "Hello Spring" banner which is so festive and adorable. You can get it from this genius
These are I phone pics so it's not the best picture, but you get the point. It is really the cutest thing ever. The graphics are so spring and cute. I love it so much.
I lined my backs with some paper from the Target dollar section just to give it some extra pizzazz. I punched a hole in each top corner and threaded through twine for hanging. 

I love the little pop of spring that it brought into my home. 


  1. You are so much more festive than I am. I'm lucky to decorate for Christmas. I love this though and it could be applied to so many different holidays by just changing a few simple things. Great DIY.

    1. I never decorate for Easter, but this year my step son was crushing on all of the Easter decor at Target, so I figured I would do some decorations to make memories for him. ;)

  2. They look great! Can you come decorate my house too? I have no time!!! Boo :(
    My daughter would love the colors!


    1. Sure I love to decorate, I will be right over. ;) You can go to those links and get the free printable and make it a craft project for you and your sweet girl!

  3. These are super duper cute!! They look so great up in your home! The colors make me so happy :) Thanks for sharing where we can get them, too! I'll have to try that egg garland..super cute!


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